Зарубежный материал [Ian Robinson, Lynda.com] Cinema 4D: Principles of Motion Graphics (2020)


Материал на английском с субтитрами. Разбит на 31 урок + файлы проекта.
Продолжительность 2 часа 29 минут. Рассчитан на новичков в CINEMA4D

Cinema 4D is an ideal application for motion graphics, offering a rich mograph toolset including dynamic simulations and cloners and effectors for duplicating and animating multiple copies of objects and text. This course explores the basics of motion graphics as they apply to Cinema 4D, helping motion graphics artists who are new to C4D transition their skills and video editors who are new to motion graphics understand the principles and apply them in the software. Instructor Ian Robinson explores everything from finding inspiration to integrating typography, color, textures, lighting, and transitions into your design. Each principle is broken down into practical, applied techniques that you can leverage in your own workflow and tips for using Cinema 4D to its best advantage.



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